domingo, 6 de abril de 2008

I started studying Russian again!!

Last week I said I had started studying Polish, Swedish and Finnish but yesterday I felt an unbearable DRIVE to study Russian again as I saw my book collection from the publisher 白水社 (Hakusuisha), which publishes language manuals in languages as rare as Vietnamese, Icelandic, Ainu (Native Japanese language) and Croatian.

In addition to the Japanese textbook I also found the book "Russian in exercises":

and "Oxford Russian Dictionary":

I also found my Russian-Japanese dictionary (русско-японский словарь), which has about 260.000 words and TONS of examples. I guess I won't need a Russian dictionary for a while.

Well, after almost ten years without studying Russian I got lots of catch up to do so
до свидониа!

3 comentários:

Anônimo disse...
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Cachorro de 3 pernas disse...
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Cachorro de 3 pernas disse...

Meu deus, como é dificil ser vc! eheheh espero que se dê bem com seu russo :)
Anna Paola